Do you have any credit cards? Maybe you have one or more. Somebody can have fife or five credit cards from different banks. Why do most of people love credit cards? Nowadays, for certain credit cards are considered as god. Though a credit cards, we can pay some important needs without cash.
According to the newest products from the bank, we also can use our credit cards as an online payment. For example to buy Airasia ticket using credit cards. The Ticket can be paid through on line service in the internet. It is safe, easy and fast. You only need several minutes to buy.
However, still you have to be careful in making online payment with credit cards. You have to make sure that the website has secure payment system. First, you can install Site Advisor to know the reputation of the web. Do not save your account number and PIN in your computer. In addition, the last important thing is the website address begins with https:// ….. . Now you may tray