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Dollars and Spyware

Dollars,Spyware,making moneyHave you know about spyware in the internet world? I think we often deal with the internet we must know about it. Sometimes someone does not know that her/his your computer has already attacked by spyware. 

Lately spyware is made to get money illegally. Have you done on online transaction? Have you got a confusing big amount on your bill and had no idea about it? It can be happen if your computer is attacked by the spyware.

Many people haven’t known about violence in the internet, such as the spyware. Spyware work to spy our activities in the computer. The most violent spyware is badware it takes important datas like password, username, moreover the credit card numbers and send it to the illegal user.

So, know and prevent spyware from now before your computer is attacked.The most frightening spyware for blogger who has business in the internet is when the online payment data or other accounts which save thousands to millions dollars are stolen. Of course, nobody wants to let his/her assets lost. How about you?

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